सोमवार, 9 जून 2014

Journalism and Mass Communication : A


Early communication modes

Key concepts in communication and Mass Communication:
  • Indian perspectives
  • Others perspectives 

Media and Everyday Life:
  • Mobile phones
  • Radio/FM
  •  Television
  •  Ring tones
  •  Social Media
  • New Media
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Discussions around mediated and non mediated communication

Mass Communication and its Process :
  • The Oral tradition
  • Written language
  • Development of printing
  • Newspapers
  • Books
  • Short history of newspapers and other periodicals

Mass Communication Models :
  • Transmission models
  • Ritual or Expressive models
  • Publicity Model
  • Reception Model

Discussions on the three major paradigms in the study of Mass Media effects:
  • Direct Effects
  • Limited Effects : Individual Difference Theory, Personal Influence Theory
  •  Cultural Effects : Agenda Setting, Spiral of Silence, Cultivation Analysis
  • Critique of the effects Paradigm and emergence of alternative paradigm
  • Contemporary media environment
  • Acquire the dynamics and analytical aspects of Mass Communication.

Mass Media Theory:
  • Normative Theories of the Press
  • Major theories of Mass Communication
  • Propaganda and Mass Society Theory

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